Our Barley Gold product
is a nutritional supplement. It is a natural, highly digestible, whole food product with bountiful nutrients that raise it
to the category of a super food. A natural balance of abundant nutrients is contained in this enhanced barley product.
How was Barley Gold TM originated?
Barley Gold was first formulated
with Agriculture Canada to test barley feed with broiler chickens. The Growth Enhancement Method (G.E.M.) combined with the
Nutrient Stabilization Process (N.S.P.) enhanced the value of the feed enormously. Physiological results were also remarkable.
So much so, that we believed people could also benefit greatly from this enhanced barley. With further study and development
the all natural whole food product that is known today as Barley Gold came into existence.
research has been done on the effectiveness of this product?
As mentioned, testing was done on broiler chickens. They make good test subjects as they don’t respond to placebos
and because they have a relatively short life span, so extensive batteries of tests could be completed. The bioassay (animal
feed tests determining efficacy’s tests) concluded the broiler chickens had higher red and white blood cells, higher
bone density, stronger hearts, leaner but not heavier muscle mass, and a higher intestinal viscosity.
Barley Gold is being used in a study by nutritionists in Toronto,
Canada. It is being used as a nutritional supplement taken during a fasting, cleansing regime. The idea of the Barley Flush
was: “To subsist entirely on a food substance which is rumored to have a useful way of promoting healthy function in
organ and tissue systems, while restoring dysfunctional cells.” Each applicant was given a short questionnaire, a nutritional
evaluation and consultation, EAC Testing (Electrodermal), daily record charts and a self-assessment report.
What are the
nutritional elements contained in Barley Gold TM?
Barley has Biblically and historically been known
as a nutrient rich food. Our whole food barley product provides a bountiful, natural balance of nutrients. The nutrients naturally
found in barley are enhanced in the Barley Gold product. The following chart lists some of the nutritional values of both
regular barley and N.S.P. barley.
Nutritional Values
Regular Barley Vs. Nutrient Stabilized Barley
Test Regular Barley N.S.P. Barley Difference % Change
5% Digestible *97% Digestible
Crude Fiber 5.50% 3.80%
(1.70%) -31%
Crude Fat 1.90% 1.80%
(0.10%) - 5%
Ash 2.80% 2.20%
(0.60%) -21%
Crude Protein 9.00% 10.20%
1.20% 13%
Available Protein 8.90% 9.40%
0.50% 5%
Soluble Protein 2.80% 4.70%
1.90% 68%
Available Insoluble Protein 6.20%
4.80% (1.40%) -22%
Non-Structured Carbohydrates 62.40%
66.50% 4.10% 6%
ADIN (nitrogen) 0.02% 0.13%
0.11% 550%
ADIN (protein) 0.13% 0.81%
0.68% 523%
Acid Detergent Fiber 23.90% 19.30% (4.60%) -19%
Nitrogen Free Extract 80.80% 81.90% 1.10% 1%
Total Lipids 34.4 g 36.6g
2.20g 6%
Calcium 0.07% 0.05%
(0.02%) -28%
Test Regular Barley N.S.P. Barley Difference % Change
Phosphorus 0.43% 0.39%
(0.04%) - 9%
Magnesium 0.16% 0.15%
(0.01%) -6%
Potassium 0.50% 0.52%
0.02% -4%
Salt 0.03% 0.03%
0% 0%
Sodium 0.01% 0.01%
0% 0%
Copper 4 ppm 6 ppm 2 ppm 50% SOD
Iron 83 ppm 66
ppm (17ppm) -20%
Manganese 17 ppm 32 ppm 15 ppm 88% SOD
Zinc 39 ppm 45 ppm 6 ppm 15% SOD
Alanine 0.42 g 0.39
g (0.03)g -7%
Amino Butryic Acid 0.61g 1.00g
0.39g 64%
Arginine 5.89g 6.32g
0.43g 7%
Cystine 1.81g 1.55g
0.26)g -14%
Glumatic Acid 23.7g 23.1g
(0.60)g -2%
Glycine 4.76g 4.39g
(0.37)g - 8%
Histidine 3.02g 2.91g
(0.11)g - 4%
Isoleucine 4.01g 4.12g 0.11g 3%
Leucine 7.84g 8.15g
0.31g 4%
Lysine 3.98g 4.02g
0.04g 1%
Methionine 2.05g 2.05g
0.00g 0%
Phenyalanine 7.37g 6.26g
(1.11)g -15%
Proline 10.5g 11.3g
0.08g <1%
Serine 5.14g 4.10g
(1.03)g -20%
Threonine 4.52g 3.33g (1.19)g -26%
Valine 4.86g 5.14g
0.28g 6%
Fatty Acid % of Total Triglycercide
Linoleic 57.4% 58.10%
0.70% 1%
Linolenic 6.02% 6.38% 0.36% 6%
Oleic 14.40% 13.10%
(1.30%) - 9%
Palmitic 21.30% 22.00%
0.70% 3%
Stearic 0.69% 0.55%
(0.14%) 20%
What are the
benefits of taking Barley Gold TM?
Due to the enhanced digestibility
(97%!), from the Nutrient Stabilization Process (N.S.P.), the Barley Gold can transport more amino acids and nutrients to our organs.
In doing so, the essential nutrients that our bodies
need, enables the body to heal and rid toxins effectively. The benefits from this product come from the various nutrients
The Nutrient Stabilization Process
(N.S.P.) has increased the SOD levels individually as seen below. Adding the 97%
Digestibility into the equation increases the SOD levels extremely!
Manganese 88%
Zinc 15%
example zinc, copper and manganese form a very potent antioxidant called SOD
or superoxide dismutase. This enzyme is a very powerful anti-oxidant that actually neutralizes free radicals
and prevents damage to our cell membranes. When the
membranes are being assaulted by smoke, radiation from the sun, poisons or chemicals, SOD acts to repair them. If we don’t
have enough zinc, copper and manganese, the repair process will not be effective. (Colbert, M.D., Don Walking in Divine Health Soloam P.)
Sod’s are free radical scavengers. Free radicals
are found in inflamed cancerous tumors, and other inflammations and degenerative diseases such as arthritis. (Dr. Harold Klassen)
Zinc, copper, and manganese are found in barley and enhanced in Barley Gold.
Barley is naturally rich in
other minerals also, from calcium and potassium to B-complex vitamins and it’s high in antioxidants called tocols that
are known for ages in the Middle Eastern cultures as heart medicine. (“The Edmonton Journal” Oct. 27 1999)
How much of
this product is usable for my body?
This product is highly digestible and useful to
the body as a dietary source for nutritional supplement. ‘Out of the bottle’ or chemical pill sources have less
evidence of usefulness. Natural sources of nutrients are generally more available for use by the body. Barley Gold is mechanically
(not chemically) treated by our Growth Enhancement Method, of the product. A dramatic increase in digestibility is produced.
Also finely ground grains are more rapidly digested than more coarsely ground grains.
What does the
Barley Gold TM look or taste like?
Barley gold is in a flour-like, powdered form.
It has the ability to take on the taste of whatever it is put into. In other words it can be easily camouflaged for children
if put into apple cider, yogurt, or even chocolate soymilk. Alone it has a taste similar to nutty flour. The simplest means
of intake is to take a spoonful and wash it down with water. You can put it in juice, your favorite smoothie, or soymilk.
Stir it into your cereal or cooled porridge. You can be quite creative, but avoid putting the Barley Gold in anything that
is over 35 degrees Celsius (105 degrees F). So do not microwave, cook or bake with Barley Gold.
How and how long do I store
this product?
If the Barley Gold is stored
in a sealed container in your cupboard or on your counter, then that is usually good enough. If the climate is humid, it is
best to keep it in the fridge, and definitely sealed. Do not leave the Barley
Gold in an overheated car, or in any heat above 35 degrees C. (105 degrees F.)
Freezing the Barley Gold is fine, but will not postpone the life expectancy any further. Life expectancy is a bit over a year,
which is a remarkable shelf life that is due to our natural process called Nutrient Stabilization Process (NSP). The container
will have a best before date. The containers hold approximately a one-month supply.